Global Cooperative

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Archive for the ‘Human Family’ Category

Strong Gender Roles As a Foundation of Strong Culture

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In the early 21st century, there is a very clear agenda at work globally to intentionally destroy the ordinary and happy nature of strong male and female gender roles. Significantly powerful political forces are behind this agenda, as the creation of much confusion, disorientation, division, and general uncertainty in the population about something as fundamental as one’s gender serves the exact purposes of those powerful political forces.

If all of the furore in the mainstream news and online media was truly and fundamentally about being inclusive of minorities, then such sources would certainly also be speaking with whole-hearted and full inclusiveness relative to the many minority religious and spiritual groups (and those who practice such minority life paths). That is, if all the hype about “non-discrimination towards minorities” was really about that and not about some other agenda.

Yet the big sources of news and places of online media do not speak freely and openly, with loving and true inclusiveness, about the many practitioners of minority and non-traditional religious and spiritual paths. Rather, such practitioners are still quite frequently attacked as some kind of “nuts” or “weirdos” with the many and varied groups they are members of routinely being described as “brain-washing cults” and worse. This negative attack on non-traditional minority religious and spiritual groups has been common practice by the big news outlets since at least the 1970s, when various such groups started to gain a little more popularity globally.

So it is clear to see that there are in fact distinct agendas at work when it comes to minorities, depending on what minority group is in question. When it comes to humans that are by biological variation not naturally associated with their born gender (commonly estimated at 1-2% of the total population), that minority gets massive and even incessant airtime globally in the current era. This from essentially all big sources of “news” and online media, who are constantly and clearly pushing the agenda that such “gender conflict” (for want of a better term) is somehow good and positive and to be embraced by more and more people.

Yet, the minority of humans who choose to practice a religious or spiritual path outside the main traditional choices typically get exactly the opposite kind of press from mainstream news and online media (when they even get any press at all). Such people in the absolute minority relative religion and spiritual choices usually get attacked and vilified for their choices, with the big news and online media sources making sure to clearly communicate to all and sundry that such choices are bad and should be shunned by everyone.

This exceedingly obvious duplicity relative the treatment of minority groups naturally results in anyone who still has the use of their own intelligence becoming quite suspicious as to the actual real motives of this constant barrage of “news” about the minority of humans who are somehow struggling psychologically, emotionally, and even physically with their biological gender. The only possible explanation for the constant barrage of “news” about that particular minority is that it serves the agenda of very powerful political forces who are behind the news.

As someone who has been a practitioner of an extreme minority spiritual path for my entire adult life (since the age of 18, when I was legally “adult” and free to choose my own way in this regards) I have a very personal perspective on the experience of being in a tiny minority group. The amount of ignorant hatred, bigoted misunderstanding and blatant negativity that I’ve had directed at me due my choice of spiritual path has been significant and quite shocking. Yet this has not resulted in me becoming a bigoted, hate-filled person towards all who do not somehow magically “understand” and “support” my life path.

Much of what is communicated by “big news” that comes from the minority of people who don’t identify with being simply male or female is in fact quite clearly hostile, bigoted and hateful towards all who do not “understand” and “support” their particular choices. Thus, at least some amount of that small minority (of perhaps 1-2% of human beings) is very specifically being given a completely unbalanced amount of “airtime” to be highly vocal about their particular choice of sex and sexual orientation (whatever it may be). This is not ordinary and inherently smacks of politics.

Sexuality is a private matter fundamentally, just as one’s religious or spiritual path is a private matter fundamentally. Personally speaking, I have no more interest in getting all fired up about telling all and sundry of my particular sexual orientation (in the press or online media or wherever) than I do in getting all fired up about telling all and sundry of my particular choice of spiritual path. These are private matters, for each of us to choose ourselves.

So why all the constant barrage of “news” about the fact that everyone in this era supposedly has to “understand” the very small minority of people who don’t associate with the ordinary male or female sexual orientations? Even to the degree of us supposedly having to change the way we speak relative our use of gender specific terms! And even to the extreme degree of new laws being passed with concepts such as “mis-gendering”, where people can be liable to fines and worse if they somehow don’t magically “know” and use the “correct” gender term for whomever they are speaking to (or about)?!

There is something very, very suspicious about all of this in fact. To be clear, inclusiveness relative all humans and their many possible life paths is indeed a positive motive. A necessary addition to this statement is the fundamental human requirement that one’s choices and life path not harm others. This is in fact one of the foundations of any truly human culture. So, whether one is fine with one’s born biological sex and sexual orientation or whether one is not fine with that (and wants to change something about that) it should not be cause for discrimination.

However, only in a society that has many (and seemingly quite often hostile and vocal) fragile and psychologically unstable individuals could so-called “mis-gendering” be construed as “harm”! This is indeed a modern perversion of the term “harm” that completely belittles and mocks the actual harm being done to however many millions of human beings every day, in terms of real and brutal physical, emotional and psychological violence being inflicted. No more should one be forced to change their language relative to me (or others) due a choice to practice an extreme minority spiritual path than one should be forced to change their language and use of ordinary words relative to those in the minority relative their chosen sex and sexuality altogether!

At no point in my adult life have I demanded that all and sundry change their way of speaking about religious and spiritual matters, simply due the fact that I am a practitioner of an extreme minority path (that happens to define quite commonly used terms such as “God” and “Reality” in a completely distinct manner to the commonplace usage of such terms). Such behavior would be completely hypocritical and disingenuous on my part.

Yet such hypocritical and obviously disingenuous behavior is frequently and loudly being dramatized by a tiny minority of highly vocal and often hostile people who have atypical feelings (compared to some 98-99% of the human population at least) about their own born sex or sexuality! These people claim to want to be included and accepted, though often show absolutely none of that disposition they supposedly desire towards any others outside their own “group” (and often demonstrate essentially zero respect for the choices of all others about their own biological sex or sexual disposition altogether)!

Again, all of this is highly suspicious and can only be explained with a clear understanding that this entire so-called “gender-neutral” movement is a political movement with political motives. It is actually much more accurate to describe the entire movement as gender-negative as it is quite clear that being neutral has nothing to do with it. We are all being forcibly told (by “big news” and “big government” and various other “big” sources) to stop using ordinary and useful and empowering terms like “man” and “woman”! Such terms are in fact gender-positive. And to try eradicate such terms and all of the associated understanding of the two fundamental sexes is downright destructive and has absolutely no place in a truly human society!

The ancient Australian Aboriginal culture, which lasted tens of thousands of years, was evidently simple in demonstrating a clear understanding of the culture-building value that strong gender roles help to serve. Again, that culture lasted for tens of thousands of years before European settlers came onto the scene and effectively annihilated it, through all of their confusion, materialism, hatred, bigotry and utter misunderstanding of what was clearly one of the most mature spiritual cultures that has ever existed on this Earth. Such ancient cultures as that of the Australian Aborigines are what one needs to consider to gain insight into the inherent value of strong gender roles.

Our early 21st century human societies barely resemble “culture” in any kind of traditional sense. All of that same confusion, materialism, hatred, bigotry and misunderstanding the early European settlers demonstrated (in places including north America and Australia) has seemingly only become even worse at this time. There is almost no value system left in the world at present and this in fact well serves the purposes of a very tiny minority of ultra powerful and wealthy few. The less true values, the less cohesion, the less strong clarity (relative one’s sex or spiritual path or whatever else) the better, for that tiny dominant minority at least.

For decades now it has been widely known even in the mainstream press (where it even leaks out more and more in recent times) that all the halls of human “power” on this Earth are filled with many of the sickest, darkest, most vile and destructive individuals. This includes people who routinely practice pedophilia, who routinely rape and molest innocents who cannot defend themselves, and people who routinely do all manner of other acts that are so depraved it can make one truly sick to even have to address such behaviors. That kind of people are the politicians of our day, that kind of people “make” the news, head the corporations, head the banks, and tell us that “gender-neutrality” (which in truth is actually gendernegativity) must now be adhered to by all.

Nelson Mandela was quoted in his authorized biography as saying: “In actual practice, law is nothing but organized force used by the ruling class to shape the social order in a way favorable to itself.” What an incredibly astute and accurate statement by a man who had seen all sides of the human situation, from terrible imprisonment for decades and then to the high halls of power.

Knowing that Mandela’s statement is exactly true and correct, it is quite clear who is behind the new “laws” about “mis-gendering” (amongst all the other myriad of new laws defining what any one of us supposedly can and cannot do, say, think or be – the 21st century “thought crime” laws). The current ruling class is behind such laws, a class of people with many of the sickest individuals who have ever lived, who routinely commit horrific atrocities against innocents as part of their daily “activities”. That’s the force behind all this constant barrage of gender-destruction in the big news and online media.

With that understanding and the clarity that spiritual cultures (such as that of the Australian Aboriginals) which lasted for tens of thousands of years knew the great and inherent value of strong gender roles, we can all be refreshed and renewed in our own simplicity about our born gender. It is in fact greatly empowering to be clear and simple about one’s gender. It gives one strength and clarity of purpose in many ordinary ways, all of which is exactly distinct from what “big news” and “big government” and “big business” is working towards. As when the human population is empowered, simple, strong and clear, that is a force to be reckoned with. Whereas a confused, divided, dis-empowered population is much more easily controllable by a tiny few.

So be strong and simple and clear and happy in your born gender! And if you are one of the few (who by natural biological variation) are not at peace with your born gender, then be strong and simple and clear and happy in whatever choice you make, but please refrain from beating the rest of us over the head with your particular dilemma! If you in that minority want acceptance, then I suggest you practice it yourself towards all others as a matter of urgency, as the communications being made on your behalf by the “big sources” are very often filled with obvious malice, bigotry and hatred towards all those of us who happen to be ordinary and simple about our born gender!

Blessings on all, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality or any of that other totally minor variation that naturally occurs between human beings. If there wasn’t such variation, it would surely be a boring world. Thus, enjoy the diversity and enjoy the process of allowing any and all to be empowered in their own life path and choices. When billions of human beings are able to consistently manifest such a disposition, then it will most certainly be a far better and more benign world for all (men, women, and otherwise).

Written by Free723

November 8, 2021 at 8:13 am

Globalist Cult Who Stole World’s Wealth and Their Humankind Hating Genocidal Crusade

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A true story… Starting with the current-moment-in-time that follows on from the fuller version of the tale told further below…


A couple of weeks ago…


Globalist Thugs: “So there are still a large number of you unwashed serf billions who are refusing to be poisoned to death for the ‘common good’ eh? Know that we won’t be stopping our open genocidal crusade against humankind until you stop us (if you even can, we are certainly very confident that you cannot stop us and have made that plain since we launched this open war on you all earlier last year).

“Know that we’re going to accelerate the process of destroying the lives of you little annoying ‘bugs’ even more dramatically than we’ve been doing in the past year and a half. You billions of serfs do not have the right to live and wander around freely on our planet and we will be letting you know this very clearly from here on.

“We’ll take your jobs and your income and your livelihoods if you don’t accept our poison death shots, which will soon make it impossible for you to even feed yourself and your families. We’ll do our best to forcibly block you from even stepping foot inside almost any place of business, which will include larger supermarkets (as already the case in Lithuania and now parts of Germany) and soon enough we’ll stop you entering any form of business providing food.

“We will suffocate you physically and strangle you financially and literally starve you to death if you keep on refusing the poison death shots (and we’ll also do all that to you even if you are fool enough to have already received the jabs!). We’ll also block you from entering hospitals and medical centers and stop you from getting any life-saving medical treatments, even if you urgently need them such as if you are injured and dying right now, today.

“If you thought that the self-imprisonment in your own homes that we’ve done our best to force on you all was bad, and if you thought that our successful decimation of entire communities and societies all over the world was heinous, well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Now we are really going to get this war on you all fully underway.

“With the devastation of most livelihoods and most businesses that are anything less than really big, ruining the towns and cities you all live in (and for years, if not forever), we assumed that would bring most of you round to entirely surrendering all of the antiquated notions such as ‘personal bodily autonomy’ and ‘personal health choices’ and bring most of you to your knees, submitting to take our experimental gene therapy ‘spike protein’ creating toxic death jabs.

“However, that’s all not working fast enough for us tiny few who own almost everything on Earth (and yes, we global criminals really are beyond any measure of genocide-loving, psychopathic, sociopathic, mass-murdering, baby-and-child-raping freaks you’ve ever met – we should know, as we all know each other at least enough to know!).

“So now we’re going to accelerate the process even more by starting to fine you heavily if you continue refusing to be poisoned to death. How dare you all who are refusing these poison death jabs continue to act like you have a right to live on our planet? We want you to know: you have no such right, so won’t you just die for us sooner rather than later?!

“We’ll fine you and destroy you financially whether you be the executives of any kind of business refusing to force your staff to be poisoned to death (now happening in the USA and already for many months in many other countries), or whether you be frontline workers who are still refusing these death jabs (with heavy fines for all frontline workers refusing to be jabbed from next month in the Northern Territory in the prison colony ‘down under’).

“You billions of serfs refusing to take the death shot so as to speed up your deaths just don’t seem to be accepting this is our planet now! As we’ve stolen basically all the wealth on Earth from you billions of little vermin for ourselves in recent years and decades, and we say this makes it all ours!

“You think you unwashed billions have the right to exist? You think you serfs are welcome to keep using our resources and breathing our air? Well we’ve got another plan and that plan is simple: take the poison death shot and die, or we’ll make sure to kill most of you in other ways soon enough anyhow!”


Awake Humans: “You globalist thugs will soon be physically removed from power and physically placed under arrest and physically taken to a new and legitimate and truly international court that will be created specifically for your trials. This will be done by an unstoppable tide of vast and unprecedented numbers of human beings, numbering in the hundreds of millions and soon billions, all of whom are awakening at an exponentially accelerating pace to the fact that you thugs and your mission of global genocide is the most malevolent evil ever unleashed in human history.

“So prepare yourselves, you globalist filth, for the sudden end to your reign of terror over humankind, which will be happening soon now.”


Above is the current moment-in-time that humankind is now at after all of the events (and more, dating back decades and even generations and longer) described in the true tale below… What is written here is no “conspiracy theory” but is proven and verified conspiracy fact… Read it and weep… Read it and be rightly and justly angry… Read it and let it kindle the fire of the human spirit in you, the spirit that knows evil when it sees it, the spirit that will resolutely resist such evil at all cost and resolutely champion good and true justice and peace and true freedom at all cost


A couple of decades ago…


Globalist Thugs: “Even though we’ve stolen pretty much all the world’s wealth in recent decades through our endless criminal financial deceptions and trickery, and even though most of that unwashed mob of serfs quaintly referred to as ‘humankind’ are now impoverished by all our cunning thievery and lies, many of us are still losing a lot of sleep about just how many billions of that filthy mob are still assuming to live on our planet! How dare so many of those serfs presume the right to still be here!

“Let’s launch a fake global ‘war on terror’ by first blowing up the two biggest skyscrapers ever built (we can also blow up a third skyscraper on the same day just for fun) and then we can accelerate the process of locking down all those billions of serfs… ahem… which actually (of course) means we care so much about the ‘security’ of everyone that we’re going to make war on those naughty cave-dwelling bearded bad-men with cloth head-dresses who ‘hate the freedoms of others’ so much (‘freedoms’ that have already been almost fully eradicated in every country… sshhh… but don’t mention that!), and who happen to be living in countries where our oil and natural reserves are to be found!”


Awake Humans: “This fake ‘war on terror’ is in fact a ‘war of terror’ on the entire human race, with the obvious motive being to lock down and control the human population even far more than has already been happening in recent years and decades. You globalist thugs are mass-murdering psychopaths who have killed thousands of innocents by blowing up these three skyscrapers.

“You globalist scum have no legitimate claim to power over anyone or anything at all. It is the fundamental and inviolable birth right of every human being to live in freedom on this planet and you have no authority to enforce any restrictions on that fundamental and inviolable human birth right of freedom itself.”

Globalist Thugs: “Ah, no, that’s where you are mistaken! You see, The Science TM (which we own all the patents on, in case you are confused) says that there are now too many of you unwashed serfs for the survival of our mind-bogglingly lavish and excessive lifestyles and tastes… ahem… which actually (of course) means ‘there are now far too many people on the planet and this is threatening the survival of all life on Earth’. So we’ve been working real hard for years on a very comprehensive and detailed global depopulation plan… ahem… which actually (of course) means ‘sustainable development plan’.

“We’ll be selling this ‘plan’ of ours hard to you billions of serfs in the coming years and will use every kind of fraud and lies about ‘terrorists’ and ‘climate’ and ‘viruses’ to generate endless infantile fear in as many of you naive idiotic trusting mob of fools as we can. You see, this ‘plan’ of ours requires you serfs to use far less of our resources (per capita we use thousands of times and more the finite natural resources that you serfs do, so we need to stop you serfs selfishly taking those resources from us).

“The plan also requires you to accept every kind of ‘vaccine’ (which means experimental in every case of such poisonous products) being injected into you from birth and then even annually in later life via ‘flu shots’ and more (all of which we make big money on as well, naturally). This will destroy the health of vast numbers of you over time, making you easier to mind-control in the coming years, and we know that vast numbers of you will end up buying into our ‘plan’ due how easy it is to sell basically any lies at all to most of you with our very clever (if we do say so ourselves!) high-tech propaganda.”


Awake Humans: “The only real and true ‘terrorists’ in all of history have been the governments of the world, who always have the most guns, commit the most gun violence, oppress and brutally destroy the lives of the most people, and all of this by orders of magnitude more than anyone else ever has or will.

“The climate has always changed, for millions of years, and humankind isn’t making any impact on all of those completely natural cycles. There is zero legitimate scientific evidence that CO2 has any kind of effect on global temperatures whatsoever.

“Anyone who has done the slightest actual real scientific research (including many with world-class training on the subject) knows that ‘virology’ is utterly fraudulent, junk, fake ‘science’ that has never been validated with even a single laboratory isolated ‘virus’ of any kind by anyone at all. Many decades of evidence makes it completely clear that ‘vaccines’ are actually immune-system and health destroying poisons that have also never been validated as anything but dangerous by even one iota of legitimate and non-biased and independent medical or scientific facts or evidence.”


A couple of years ago…


Globalist Thugs: “There are still far too many of this filthy mob of ‘humans’ on our planet that are not buying all of our lies about ‘terror’ and ‘climate’ and ‘viruses’ so we will soon be launching an all out global war on every one of those unwashed billions who are not in our club of globalist criminals and thieves… ahem… which actually (of course) means we need to ‘prepare for a pandemic’ (which we’ve been doing for decades already, but hey, let’s have a meeting this month in New York just for fun and call it ‘Event 201’ – who knows what that title means, but who cares!) and then we can ‘declare the pandemic’ early next year.

“Time to remember all your training over these recent years and decades, all you ‘mini-me’ minions of us globalists who are out there. You know who you are, being the carefully selected ones in ‘power’ at this exact time (and still so many fools believe that ‘leaders’ are not ‘selected’ but ‘elected’, isn’t it amazing!) .

“Once the all out global war on humankind is declared… ahem… which actually (of course) means once the ‘pandemic’ is by official decree underway, we’ll then be able to greatly accelerate the process of convincing all those billions of unwashed ‘human’ masses to suicide themselves with poison death shots… ahem… which actually (of course) means helping those billions understand the urgent need to ‘protect others’ and ‘support the common good’ by letting us inject them with any poisons we want.”


Awake Humans: “The coming year will likely be filled with incredibly difficult and dramatic political and social changes that will be forced on humankind by globalist thugs, that tiny fraction of one percent of the planetary population who for decades and longer have been progressing their plan for the total destruction of the human world via brutal totalitarian control and mass-murdering most human beings.”


Beginning of last year…


Globalist Thugs: “Time to launch our all out war and global genocide on these unsuspecting serf billions… ahem… which actually (of course) means it’s time to ‘save’ the people by ‘protecting’ them from ‘flu’ as we who’ve worked for decades (and even centuries) to steal basically the entire wealth of the planet really do actually care so very much about all those billions (that we’ve stolen all the planetary wealth from) that we really, truly don’t want to see any of those unwashed masses get sick even with a sniffle or a cough (cross-our-hearts – if we had hearts! – and hope-to-be-immortal!).

“So for all you little tyrant minions of ours in big corporations, ‘governments’, ‘health’ departments, mass media, and ‘educational’ institutions, here’s the basic outline of the plan: we’ll first convince as many billions of people as possible that there’s a terrifyingly bad ‘flu’ going around (even though we’ve never proven the existence of any other ‘flu’ yet) and that they must imprison themselves in their own homes as if they are criminals (which they are, as they are selfishly living on this planet that we own and selfishly using our resources that we need a damn lot of for our tiny little club!).

“We’ll ramp up all that terror by blasting 24×7 fear-mongering propaganda all over the world from every possible source about this horrifying-and-never-before-seen ‘flu’ and we’ll create as many false and fraudulent ‘cases’ as we can and label many deaths (from any cause at all, death from gunshot wounds is fine!) as deaths from ‘terror flu’. You get the idea. We’ll do this to all the billions who are still fool enough to pay the slightest bit of attention to the paid pathological liars in such humankind hating (and boy we love them for that!) industries that can be collectively described as ‘mass media’.

“Beyond the self-imprisonment we’ll also ‘mandate’ self-suffocation even aggressively enforcing that health-destroying barriers be over everyone’s breathing holes. We’ll also ‘mandate’ self-isolation via fully communist-style control over how close anyone can even physically be to anyone else.

“Then we’ll ‘mandate’ the destruction of all small and medium businesses (which we will fine heavily if they dare to stay open when we tell them to close, due being ‘non-essential’ or whatever) while allowing big global corporations to flourish and make billions. We will also ‘mandate’ that no large gatherings of any kind will be ‘permitted’ any more and this is a really key part of stopping the unwashed masses from possibly getting together to discuss how they might thwart our openly genocidal plans.

“Once enough people are in complete and utter infantile terror of the fake ‘flu’ and fake millions of ‘cases’ and all the actual real deaths (though deaths due all kinds of the usual causes, with us cleverly putting big numbers of those expected deaths under a new silly heading to generate terror in all those infantile fools), and enough of them are destitute, broke, disheartened, with their lives and livelihoods destroyed, we’ll start dangling the carrot of ‘back to some kind of normal’ far out in front.

“We will do various rounds of loosening up and tightening up in the classic ‘carrot and stick’ approach used with donkeys, as all of that will only make the serf billions more confused and insane. This will greatly enhance their co-dependency on us, their new out-in-the-open tyrannical overlords (all classical ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ stuff) who are obviously overtly terrorizing them all into believing utter lies.

“So in summary here’s what needs to be pushed on the unwashed serf masses: FEAR, DEATH, FEAR, FLU, FEAR, DEATH, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, DEATH, DEATH, DEATH, FLU, FLU, FLU, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, LOCKDOWN, MASKS, STAY HOME, KEEP DISTANCE, SAFE, GOOD. Got it? Good.”


Awake Humans: “This is clearly a ‘plandemic’ as there is zero evidence of any kind of new, deadly respiratory disease, and zero evidence of a single ‘case’ due the RT-PCR process being medically and scientifically incapable of diagnosing any infection or illness, and therefore there is zero evidence of an actual medical ‘pandemic’ of any kind. The globalist thugs behind all this are clearly planning to launch a campaign to mass-poison the human race thereby mass-murdering as many of us as they can with whatever concoctions they’ve been working on in their bio-warfare labs over these recent decades.”


A year and a half ago…


Globalist Thugs: “Now all you little tyrant minions of ours need to get busy dealing with that minority of people (at least we keep telling the world they are a minority, but who really knows with all our fake figures and numbers?!) who can see and understand this is all actually a genocidal global ‘plandemic’ war on the billions of ‘humans’ in the world with the intent of mass-murdering as many of the gullible fools as we possibly can… ahem… which actually (of course) means there is a dangerous and ‘far-right’ minority of ‘conspiracy theorists’ who are consistently denying all the bazillions of Fact Checked TM ‘truths’ we have been putting out constantly in recent weeks about the truly and really and terrifyingly deadly and so very scary and dangerous ‘flu’ that is now literally and for real threatening everyone on Earth in this unspeakable and historic ‘pandemic’ that’s just so very terrible.

“So all you little tyrant minions of ours need to always remember that one of the best age-old tricks for gaining total control is this: divide and conquer. Thus, you little minions of ours must do everything in your power to stigmatize, demonize, marginalize, and generally vilify and pour hatred on that minority (which might actually be a majority, who knows?!) who refuse to be brain-washed by endless 24×7 fear mongering propaganda and who refuse to be terrorized into believing the lies about the fake ‘flu’ and fraudulent ‘cases’ and who know that death is a fundamental aspect of the human condition with about 55-60 million people dying on this planet every single year as an ordinary matter of course.

“Those people who have any kind of actual self-intelligence left, even after all these years and decades of our dedicated and pervasive brain-washing mind-control propaganda war on the unwashed masses, well those people are indeed our enemy… ahem… which actually (of course) means that those crazed far-right ‘conspiracy theorists’ with their purely selfish other-hating love of ‘freedoms’ are an enemy of all humankind, and they are endangering everyone due their insane denial of The Science TM and all the vast Fact Checked TM ‘evidence’ we will keep on pushing out 24×7 for months and even years more.

“Once again for emphasis: all of you little tyrant minions of ours need to make sure to keep the hatred of all those freedom loving and ‘thinking for themselves’ people at peak levels at all times. Do so with every word and statement and publication that you make! Hate them and convince others to do so too!”


Awake Humans: “Wow, this is all so horrifying and feels exactly like it must have felt to be in Nazi Germany during the 1930s, where masses of mind-controlled Nazis are indoctrinated to hate all those who do not support the genocidal mission underway. Meaning the mad mob is trained by fully fascist and literally evil brain-washing to hate those of us who are awake to exactly what evil is being done. Sad to be losing friends and even relatives due their bizarre trust in the known liars and criminals behind these heinous and evil acts of genocide against the human race.

“All of us who are awake to the ‘plandemic’ will need to be very strong together in the coming times, staying in communication, making new and lasting bonds, forging new solidarity and resistance to this evil. We will all need to do this if we are to make it through the horrors that will be getting unleashed on our race over the next couple of years. It’s great to see already that many are fully aware of what is happening and fully resisting it in every way they can.”


About one year ago…


Globalist Thugs: “It’s time now for you unwashed serf billions who are breathing our air and using our resources on our planet to all start suiciding yourselves with these ‘spike protein’ immune-system destroying poison death shots that we’ve been working on for decades (as is even legally shown by the dozens of patents for such technology and poisons dating back twenty years and more)… ahem… which actually (of course) means that your true and only and long-awaited Safe ‘n Effective TM ‘savior’ is now here in these beautiful syringes!

“You will all be saved now if you take this wonderful experimental gene therapy substance into your body with our needles! This brand new genetically altering stuff has an extremely high effectiveness rating (we should know as we’ve worked on it for decades)! Life will all be hunky dory with rainbows and unicorns for ever and ever, as soon as you all get jabbed up good with this ‘spike protein’ miracle!

“Now to all you little tyrant minions of ours, it is very important to keep that carrot we’ve periodically been dangling well out of reach, no matter what lies we spew out about ‘coming freedoms’ to all the unwashed serf masses. We will do this first by making it exceedingly clear to all those serf billions that a huge majority of them must surrender every shred of their bodily autonomy to us their new overlords, by letting us inject them with any and all poisons that we have been working on in our labs, if they ever want to have any ‘freedoms’ of any kind (isn’t it amazing that any of those fool serfs really still believe that we’ll let them do anything at all ever again without our explicit permission?!).

“So in summary here’s what needs to be pushed on the unwashed serf masses from this point: FEAR, DEATH, FEAR, FLU, FEAR, DEATH, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, JABS, SAFE, JABS, FREEDOM, JABS, GOOD, JABS, JABS, JABS!!! Got it? Good.”


Awake Humans: “Within the next few weeks the mass-poisoning and mass-murder of our species is about to begin. People who are still stuck in the global mass psychosis about the fake pandemic and who refuse to look at any evidence or facts or truth whatsoever that counters the total mind-control by their new overlords will no doubt be rushing to get poisoned to death as soon as the jabs are available.

“To anyone with the slightest shred of self-intelligence available to them: these jabs will kill, they are designed to make the immune-system turn on itself, the purpose of them is to kill and they will kill. Don’t get jabbed. Period. Fight for your life before you let yourself get jabbed, as to be threatened with such a jab is to have a literal and real lethal threat directed at you (and legally, at least in most countries on Earth prior to this open war on humankind beginning in March 2020, any one of us is fully legally entitled to respond in kind to any such literal and real lethal threat).”


A couple of months ago…


Globalist Thugs: “Wow, these death shots really are that and millions are dead already, based on the ‘officially’ reported deaths and injuries all around the world and the fact that we are well aware that less than 1% of all such incidents are reported… ahem… which actually (of course) means that the savior Safe ‘n Effective TM jabs are working exactly as intended, being super safe (for our profits and power… sshhh… don’t mention that we are making billions, and with no liability whatsoever, due us owning the legal systems of the world!) and incredibly effective (but we’re not really telling you unwashed masses what they’re effective at, OK? wink, wink!).

“What a miracle from the big G! Even the Pope says everyone should get jabbed up, and we know he’s a swell guy (wink, wink!). Thank goodness so many are jabbed now, but we are sad to say that you all will have to do the whole self-suffocation with health-destroying respiratory barrier thing again, even though a few weeks ago we said you wouldn’t have to. We order you to do what we want when we want, and don’t any of you dare to get persnickety about the constant contradictions and endless flip-flopping. We are your overlords now, and you will do as we tell you, regardless of all facts, evidence, or otherwise.

“To all of you who are still holding out on taking the poison death shots, will you nasty unwashed vermin please hurry up and get jabbed already, you serfs who are still breathing our air and using our resources and not ready to submit to total and utter tyranny, surrendering every last shred of your personal bodily autonomy to our poisoned needles… ahem… which actually (of course) means that there is a horrifying, terrifying, ‘dementia variant’ causing strain of pathological terrorists who are resisting being poisoned to death by ‘official mandate’.

“These dangerous, insane ‘anti-jab’ holdouts are in fact a ‘pandemic of the un-poisoned’… ahem… which actually (of course) means that those not jabbed are endangering everyone on Earth with their seflish resistance to being jabbed up good and proper. Those ‘fringe dwelling’ wacko ‘conspiracy nuts’ not yet injected by even a single jab are a danger to all of humankind (well actually only to our genocidal and psychopathic plans to reduce world population massively)!

“This ‘pandemic of the un-poisoned’ cannot be allowed to stand (or to sit, or to be anywhere, in any business, in any workplace, really, anywhere at all). One big reason is that it will be a ‘control group’ (for those of you who actually do understand any medical or scientific terms) which will clearly show that those who’ve had the jab (and especially those who’ve had multiple jabs!) are dying much faster now than those who haven’t… ahem… which actually (of course) means that the ‘un-clean’ ones (as these jabs really do ‘clean’ up good! wink, wink!) who haven’t had a single jab are even sometimes shockingly as many as one third of those suffering illness and death in recent weeks and months (and we know that way of stating the numbers will fool a helluva lot of dummies out there!).

“Therefore, we call on our many little tyrant minions all around the world once again. We need to fully re-invigorate and re-energize the process of stigmatizing, demonizing, and marginalizing any and all who are selfishly going to resist being injected with these poison death shots (that really are that, what incredible damage to the entire vascular system they cause all over the body, plus all the many, many other serious and health-destroying side effects and ‘features’ these shots have!). This will also allow us to easily keep that illusory carrot of ‘freedoms’ well out of reach of everyone, as we’ll simply blame all those who don’t want to be poisoned to death for the fact that the carrot cannot be reached, ever.


Awake Humans: “Things are going to get much, much worse from here. This is coming to the end game now, where the genocidal globalist cult who’ve been planning all of this for generations work to actually fulfill their mission of poisoning to death most people on Earth. There will be massive supply chain breakdowns due the huge disruption to all kinds of industries partly due massive numbers starting to die from the jabs and partly due similarly big numbers quitting their jobs rather than being poisoned to death to earn a buck (and all that supply chain breakdown is also very much part of the overall design of these globalist thugs for this time, so it’s all right on cue).

“There will be every kind of insane Nazi hatred generated in the sheeple mob stuck in mass psychosis, and it is now not safe to spend any time at all around such jabbed fools in any case. This is based on the real evidence from all around the world that secondary and highly toxic effects from exposure to those who have been jabbed (even when one hasn’t been jabbed oneself!) can be very damaging to the health. Many of us know at least someone who is now suffering those exact secondary highly toxic effects due so-called ‘shedding’ of the ‘spike protein’ poisons from those jabbed on to those not jabbed. This is real and it is now an even more dangerous world, due so many being jabbed up with these toxic poisons.

“It is clear that the genocidal freaks behind all of this will not stop until we actually stop them. We need to collectively take action, primarily by collectively practicing 100% non-compliance with any and all this evil. As many people have said in recent weeks that non-compliance it as simple as one word: “no”. Then, when enough people (soon) have the courage to form very large groups (meaning tens or even hundreds of thousands or more) of real active resistance, we need to then actually physically go and actually physically remove those from ‘power’ who are pushing these poison death shots.

“This literally means that tens and even hundreds of thousands of people need to go and perform real and legitimate citizen’s arrest on all the ‘government’ and ‘official’ and ‘health’ and ‘corporate’ and ‘billionaire’ characters who are actively at this moment pushing this psychopathic mass-murder of our species. All of those characters need to be arrested and locked in prison (of whatever form and fashion the human beings making the arrest are able to use), until they are tried for these utterly heinous crimes against humanity. Hanging every single one of them would be justice in kind with Nuremberg, and given these current crimes are vastly worse, well, hanging would be completely appropriate.

“This is the final stand of humankind. We are being slaughtered like bugs by the most malevolent evil in history. Millions are already dead from these poison death shots, and that is just the beginning. All evidence says that the vast majority (likely even very close to 100%) of those who have been jabbed by these poisons will be dead within a handful of years (ie. five years) at most, and many will die sooner than that.

“During this coming northern hemisphere winter there will be spikes in mortality not seen in modern history (already shown by data from the UK, eg. Scotland where mortality is up 30% already based on annual averages, and it is only the beginning of winter!). This will be due the ongoing 24×7 deleterious effects of the jabs. It will be horrific, and it will require true courage and strength and light for all of us who are resolutely committed to living (un-poisoned) through this time. The survival of our species depends on us resisting. And now the resistance grows!”


Those who wish to complete the tale in chronological form can now return to the start of this post and re-read the moment that we have all collectively arrived at now…

Written by Free723

October 15, 2021 at 12:53 pm

More People Speaking Truth Every Day: Plandemic is World War III, Global Genocide

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“I’ll do one more mind experiment with you: If everyone on the planet were to get Covid and not get treated, the death-rate globally would be less than half a percent. I’m not advocating for that, because 35 million people would die. However, if we follow the advice of some of the global leaders – like Bill Gates who said last year said “7 billion people need to be vaccinated” – then the death-rate will be over 2 billion people! SO, WAKE UP! THIS IS WORLD WAR 3! We are seeing a level of malevolence that we haven’t seen in the history of humanity!” – Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Author of The Zelenko “Early Treatment” Protocol that saved thousands of Covid-19 patients. (“Zelenko schools the Rabbinic Court”) [1]


The latest official figures (September 15, 2021) point to approximately:

40,666 mRNA vaccine reported and registered deaths in the EU, UK and US (combined) and 6.6 Million reported “adverse events”.

But only a small fraction of the victims or families of the deceased will go through the tedious process of reporting vaccine related deaths and adverse events to the national health authorities.

Those death and injury figures (EU, UK, US) SO FAR are at least ten times higher than the official reported cases.

410,000 deaths, 66 million injuries out of a population of approximately 850 million. [2]


Death numbers were not up in 2020 — but the death rate skyrocketed from December 6 when the vaccines started. This went on for 12 weeks and ended in April — mixture of all ages, all locations–hospitals, homes–“it was just awful, that was pandemic numbers but only when they started vaccination.” He says, “I suspect these people died of vaccine injury, or Midazolam overdose, or neglect–people with other diseases like cancer Stage IV were left to die since no-one was seeing them.”

After April 2021 he says there was a quiet period, no-one passing away “the quietest period in five years.”

Now he says, three weeks ago, the death rate picked up again, people of all ages, exclusively of vaccinated people, dying of four consistent causes: heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and multiple-organ failure.

“The Delta variant I can tell you is widely recognized within the NHS as a vaccine injury – it’s not a virus, it’s vaccine injury. And I can tell you as a funeral director working on the coal face: You’ve been told and weaved a very elaborate lie to convince everyone that a) there’s a very dangerous virus and b) you need a lifesaving jab. And the real death rate was in care homes as a result of Midazolam, and then the deliberate relabeling of every normal death as a COVID death, and then we’ve seen the extreme death rate only once they began vaccinating and it is 100% that, I can tell you.”
– UK Funeral Director, John O’ Looney [3]


Any and all who willfully refuse to acknowledge the truth about the plandemic being global genocide at this late stage, with all the mountains of evidence, are suffering serious psychological trauma and should seek professional psychological help. This psychological illness being suffered by those still believing this farcical lie about a “pandemic” is a combination of paranoid delusional psychosis, cognitive dissonance, and a good dose of Stockholm syndrome (enhanced for those who’ve already taken the poison death shot, with such fools “doubling down” on their idiotic allegiance to these lies – why not just admit you were wrong, eh, all you fools?).

All of this psychology of the “Covid Cult” was detailed here on this blog at the one year anniversary of the declaration of World War III, a war against all of human kind announced publicly on March 11, 2020. Moreover, the truth about this obviously being an exercise heading towards the mass-poisoning of much of the human race was detailed here on this blog in March 2020, only weeks into this whole fraudulent plandemic destruction to the human world. That is due this author having studied the junk science of “virology” for 25 years, spending a good couple thousand hours reading, researching, and understanding that “viruses” are fiction, like fairytales, created to scare infantile children. Those awake knew for years that totalitarianism would almost certainly come at the end of a needle.

The incessant fear-mongering behind any and all publicity about “viruses” (in recent history this is most demonstrated by the complete falsity and lies about HIV/AIDS, starting back in the early 1980s) should be an immediate warning sign to anyone with a working brain that there is something very fishy going on with this whole “virology” matter. Why the need to fear-monger diseases that only kill a tiny percentage of the population? What about the diseases (ie. heart and cancer) that kill the most by far? Does anyone care about those diseases and all those hundreds of millions of dead? Wake up folks, and smell the propaganda with the fear-mongering nonsense.

There is overwhelming evidence all over the world, all easily accessible in the public domain on the Internet (for now), for anyone at all to quickly understand that the plandemic is in fact global genocide. Read the three articles that contain the above quotes that opened this blog post. Read them. Absorb the facts. Understand that every single word about a “virus” and a “pandemic” and a need to destroy our societies and our lives has been a lie. Every single word. Only those who are utterly mind-controlled dumbshits are at this extremely late stage persisting in their beyond idiotic beliefs in the utterly farcical conspiracy theory that there is a legitimate medical “pandemic” taking place.

There is absolutely no evidence of a real and actual medical pandemic. NONE. There never was, and there never will be any such evidence, as the “virus” does not exist (by any proof whatsoever) and nor does the claimed “pandemic” exist. There is, however, vast evidence of all this being the most heinous crimes against humanity probably in all of history, with the utterly despicable reign of mass-murderous terror being inflicted on the human race by the psychopathic and genocidal ultra-rich, along with all their many willing servants of evil.

More and more people every day are waking up to what is going on and speaking the blunt truth about this entire plandemic operation, as is demonstrated with the opening quotes to this article: it is World War III, it is global genocide. The pure poison experimental gene-therapy mad scientist lab creations (and no, they are not “vaccines” by any legal or medical definition of the term “vaccine”) are indeed a poison death shot. The deranged lunatic psychosis of those who have planned all of this for decades is beyond most people’s comprehension. Yes, such utter psychotic evil does exist, and in fact it is destroying the human world fast in the past year and a half.

Anyone lining up to euthanize themselves with a poison death shot has been completely fooled by some of the most psychopathic and mass-murdering scum in history. Anyone doing such a foolish act is so filled with infantile fear about a flu (really, snap out of it you infantile children!) these billionaire genocidal maniacs are suddenly seen as “friends” who supposedly care so very much about whether any of us get a sniffle! To believe such utter nonsense from known psychopaths and pathological liars requires such a massive disconnect from reality that it is no surprise such mind-controlled imbeciles are lining willingly to suicide themselves with these poison death jabs.

However, for those of us who care about fundamental and inviolable human rights, that each and every one of us is born with under God until some psychopathic bureaucrats and corporate scum work to take all of that away by force, it is not fine that so many are buying into this obvious genocidal lunacy. By buying into such obvious lies that have the one clear eugenicist motive of global mass-murder you fools are truly endangering everyone on Earth, including your fool selves! SO SNAP OUT OF YOUR CHILDISH INFANTILE FEAR OF A FLU WILL YOU FOOLS PLEASE??!!

Really. This doesn’t end well for any of us, including the rich scum psychopaths behind it all. They and all of us will go down, badly, if there isn’t massive resistance globally to this evil and damn soon, like in weeks, not months, and certainly not years when most will be dead by then. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! BAAAA!!! BAAAA!!! ENOUGH OF YOUR BLEATING INFANTILE FEAR ABOUT FLU!!!

The hour is very late. Vast numbers who’ve already been fool enough to get jabbed with these poison death shots will die from those shots within a handful of years (at most, many much more quickly), guaranteed. Due to the immune-system destroying cocktail of mad scientist lunacy in each of those deadly syringes. The mass deaths will likely begin in weeks, as the northern hemisphere winter starts and the usual annul cycle of increased deaths takes place. This year, 2021, the number of deaths will be greatly increased due the hundreds of millions who are now immune-system-crippled from the poison death shots they have lined up to have injected into them.

Prepare yourselves, good people, for severe and traumatic times ahead. It will not be pretty, even if vast numbers wake up miraculously quickly from this moment forwards. Hundreds of millions, if not even a billion or more, are already essentially walking dead from the poisonous injections, it is just that this fact hasn’t caught up fully with all of those bodies quite yet, but soon enough it will catch up. Those of us who are resisting and fighting this evil must resolutely continue to do so, even if it costs our jobs, and all sorts of difficulties arise from our resistance. The alternative is the death of billions and even the strong possibility of the extinction of the human race, due the destruction to fertility these poisons are widely known to cause.

This is not a time for children who are filled with infantile fear of flu to be part of any serious discussions about what humankind needs to do next to survive. This is a time for adults, men and women, to take the strongest stand against obvious psychopathic evil that we have all ever taken in our entire lives. It will take such courage, such strength, and such resolute commitment for the human race to even survive this coming few years, and to prevent setting in motion events that will almost certainly (in time) extinguish our species altogether.

Wake up people. Get hip. Resist. Be angry. This is psychotic, deranged evil beyond anything in human history. Every single one of those pushing these poison death shots is a literal genocidal criminal who needs to be arrested, tried, and locked up for the rest of their un-natural lives (at minimum). Every single person pushing these poisons is a mass-murderer, in the cross-hairs of justice and none of us will forget who you scum are, that is for certain.

You scum behind this World War III global genocide are going to go down. Your day is nigh on done. Vast numbers of human beings all over the world, certainly more than a billion and counting by now with all the evidence out there, are extremely angry at having their lives destroyed by these utterly cynical, psychopathic, mass-murderous lies.

You scum behind this plandemic evil are finished. You cannot win. If you persist it will only be a loss for every single one of us, including you who presume to be high above the serfs, the billions of humans who you billionaires look down on only due your massive psychological illness of compulsive accumulation to the point of destroying everything on Earth. You scum are thugs. School-yard thugs, nothing more, and you will see justice one way or another, this is an absolute law of physics that will be proven as such in time, guaranteed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~





Written by Free723

September 21, 2021 at 5:48 pm

Two Events Nine Years to the Day, Two Times Riding Into the Fray

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Most of the articles so far published on this blog were written in two main periods of time, when this blogger was doing very intensive research and writing about two particular and very serious existential threats to the human race. Each of those events began exactly nine years apart to the day.

The first of these events was the Fukushima meltdowns, which began on March 11, 2011 (and will be ongoing for a few thousand years to come). The triple nuclear meltdowns were already many times worse (5.6 to 8.1 times worse) than Chernobyl [1] by 2013, as reported then by the World Nuclear Industry. The Pacific Ocean is dying and no one is allowed to mention radiation [2] relative to massive collapses of whole food chains with all kinds of species without serious repercussions and real threat to one’s reputation and job even. It is clear that Fukushima is degrading the health and longevity of all life on Earth at this point with a decade now of constant 24×7 spewing out of radioactive poisons.

So 10 years ago an intensive process of research and writing about Fukushima unfolded with key information from all that then published here on this blog (see “Archives Radioactive”). Then this blog went quiet for years, as it can certainly be a toxic task to spend too much of one’s time looking into what the insane genocidal billionaires who own this world are getting up to right now. There is life to be lived, company to be shared, beautiful places to hike, and a depth of communion with Reality to feel.

Then one year ago today the pandemic lie began, March 11, 2020. Exactly nine years after an event that began constant radioactive poisoning of the global population. Respiratory illnesses going up? You bet they are, and it’s due vast numbers of human beings living in areas with well known lethal levels of air pollution from all kinds of human-made causes.

The World Health Organization acknowledged as long ago as 2006 that over 1.5 million people die globally per annum from respiratory illnesses caused by lethal levels of air pollution. Such air pollution has become far worse in the 15 years since that report was published by the WHO and the population has also gone up by about 20% since then. Millions dying per year from such lethal air pollution is no doubt the case now, based on all scientific evidence (plenty of which is referenced in articles from the first half of 2020 on this site, please spend the time to do some research about these important matters). No need for a “virus” or “pandemic” to even be mentioned to explain millions of such deaths every single year.

There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that there is any kind of medical “pandemic” in the past year. A vast amount of evidence says that it is all a lie. Many of us who are still able to rub a few brain cells together have been calling it out as fraud since it began. The majority of the world’s best disease experts have all been calling it out as fraud. The paid stooges in universities getting millions from the likes of Bill Gates and the paid liars on TV like Bill Gates’ friend “Dr.” Fauci (better known as “Doc Fraudci”), they talk up the lies about an unproven “virus” and the supposed “danger” this non-existent disease poses to everyone, telling us we have to allow our lives to be destroyed by this new totalitarianism that is clearly global medical tyranny.

Thus, the plandemic is the second existential threat coming exactly nine years after Fukushima began, with this true scamdemic seemingly timed intentionally to be nine years after an uncontrolled triple nuclear meltdown started poisoning every form of life on Earth. The global rulers (1% of 1% who own and control almost everything) declared this global war on humankind, as “Covid-19” is without question World War III and it is against most of the human race (excluding the wealthy ones, the “haves” who throughout history do their best to control the lives of the “have nots” being most of the 7.8 billion of us). They declared this war on humankind via their unelect, undemocratic, unconstitutional, unlawful, and illegitimate WEF (World Economic Forum, or more accurately World Enslavement Fools) and WHO (more accurately the World Hysteria Organization) entities.

These two existential threats of triple-nuclear meltdowns of Fukushima and now the “covid” Plandemic were serious enough, catastrophic enough, for it to be my duty as a human being, my true and civic duty, my responsible adult duty, my caring-for-others duty, to research and write about the terrible dangers of these particular events. It’s not that other events haven’t also been very dangerous to all on Earth, but these two particular events nine years apart will destroy all life on Earth, if left unchecked. Is that acceptable to you? Is it? It’s not to me, hence these articles on this blog and all the other work I also do to inform people who are in my local sphere of life, and to do everything I can to serve my fellow human beings with the truth and the facts, as a counterpoint to the utterly cynical, manipulative lies with genocidal intent being sold by “Big News” with all of that only designed to create great fear in the masses to allow the easy taking control.

Large numbers of human beings seem to be sleepwalking right into poisoned and soon to be dead oblivion. It is horrifying to any of us who see what is going on. Utterly horrifying. Sadly, those large numbers are dragging all the many millions (no doubt hundreds of millions globally by now) who are awake to the lies into the same oblivion, like a massive boat anchor pulling us all down, due such vast numbers of the human herd being so incredibly apathetic and apparently quite literally stupid.

It is a pandemic of mass apathy, which was a statement made on this blog in April 2011 during the time of articles about Fukushima. That is the truly dangerous and deadly pandemic. It is only humankind who is allowing all this to happen, a few rich old psycho mass murderous freaks couldn’t do anything much to hurt any of us without such huge numbers of us going along with all these lies. We have the power, the people have the power. Yet so many are so willing to give all of that power to these well known genocidal maniacs. It’s a sad day for humankind and a testament to how much there is for us to learn, how much more our race still needs to mature.

If I was some kind of super-intelligent extraterrestrial observer on a space craft near Earth observing all these events of late then I would be utterly horrified by the apathy above all else. People just not caring enough to call out the lies and the evil for what it is, just “going along with it” to “fit in” and all that childish foolishness. So if I was that extraterrestrial observer right now I’d be thinking or saying something like “this race of humans deserves everything they get as they are so apathetic, they let such a tiny few have such vast power over so many, without ever any real objections or resistance!”

Those who are set on believing the lies are seemingly truly stuck in those lies now, with all kinds of people many of us have known falling by the wayside if we are part of what is sometimes called the “truth movement” (which can also just be described as those who are awake to what is going on). Friends and even relatives no longer speak to so many of us who have put our asses on the line by checking the facts, reading the science, and taking a good reality check about all of the utterly criminal fraud being used to push the plandemic hoax. The evidence that it is all fraud is vast. The evidence it is legitimate is zero, none, zip, zilch, nada, nought, nothing. There isn’t any evidence whatsoever of a legitimate medical “pandemic”.

Only those who want to wake up will wake up at this point. No one can be woken up who is choosing mass destruction of our societies, choosing mass poisoning of billions of human beings, and mass suffocation of the fundamental and inviolable human right to breathe the free air. Those who are involved with all of that by choice (and not just because of maybe getting fired if not obeying the lies) are already dead. It’s a sad truth. They’ve chosen death over life, game over. No point wasting time on them. Only they can have a sudden heart awakening, only they can decide to learn more about what is really happening, about the truth of the genocidal policies being rolled out globally in the past year. We each have to come to the truth in our own time. Meanwhile, those of us awake are urgently doing what we can to continue putting out the message to those who have chosen to wake up, those who have chosen to learn the truth.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




Written by Free723

March 11, 2021 at 6:19 pm

The Tyrant of “Everyman”

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Conflict and destruction take all kinds of forms in the human world and in human history. There has already been a long chain of terrible tyrants in the human sphere—but people everywhere seem to be unaware of the fact that the latest tyrant is everybody—or “Everyman”. The latest—and the last—tyrant is “Everyman”. The last tyrant is “the people”. In this “late-time”, “the people” have, as a collective, become merely another ego-driven, manipulatable, chaotic, and entirely mad entity—a kind of lunatic “herd”, a chaos of gross collectivity. That tyrannical “herd” is subject to the same whims and absurdities as any individual tyrant ever was or is. That terrible “herd” knows no limits—and even all and everything it merely thinks it knows is not Reality and Truth. The “herd” that “the people” have become is simply another tyrant—and the last to rise and fall in human-time.

The “tyranny of everybody” is what is happening now. In the now, every individual wallows in the “Narcissistic self-idea”, demanding immediate satisfaction of the every wanting-need and random impulse in the body-mind, and threatening all-and-All with “consequence”-to-come, if separate “self” is found still wanting or unsatisfied at end of any day. The “neighborhood wars” between all egos, “tribes”, and cults of “thing” are what is happening now. The private wars of “Everyman”, the society of “Everyman”, the religiosity of “Everyman”, the “late-time” of “Everyman” is what is happening now. The “Everyman” is “Narcissus”, the last tyrant—the ego itself. When the tyrant becomes everybody, that is the end-time. When the tyrant is just somebody-in-particular, then there are revolutions, ups and downs and cycles. However, at the last, when the tyrant becomes everybody, there are no more cycles, but only a linearity of sames—and everyone and everything disintegrates in stops. Such is the awful nature of the present time, of ego’s rule of all.

Therefore, it is absolutely urgent that there be an immediate and total transformation at the root of human culture and society and politics. A new kind of human institution must emerge in the world—an institution that truly establishes a global cooperative order. That new (and, necessarily, global) institution must establish and enact a non-tyrannical (and even counter-tyrannical, or entirely post-tyrannical) order of rightly and effectively functioning cooperation between everyone—between all nations, between all cultures and “tribes”, between all the “neighborhoods”.

What is required is not a matter of merely “having a dialogue” and “working toward” unity. In any such effort of “working toward”, there is, in all the works, still plenty of effort to dominate. Therefore, what is required is the establishment of the universal working-presumption of prior unity—such that “the people”, in every guise, lay down their arms, lay down their conflicts and their aggressive competitiveness, and, on that basis, straightforwardly handle all the business that is in the interest of everybody altogether.

That “handling of business” is not being done at the present time. Now, everybody is “on the brink” with everybody else. It is everywhere like that. The “daily news” is that. Everyone’s daily life has become something like an insane sporting event—that is played to the death. The human world of nowtime is like colossal Reality-TV—a dreadful mini-series, a few weeks until death. The common world of nowtime is mere insanity—Reality-madness. Everyone and everything is mad with “Everyman” now—mad with ego, mad with “Narcissus”. The last tyrant is everybody—everybody at war with everybody, to the death.

If this mad world-mummery continues unchecked, the present time of human history is the end of humantime. It is no longer a matter of one principal tyrant somewhere, some head of state somewhere, who is the “whomever”, or the “whatever”, that everyone loves to hate as everybody’s “enemy”. In this “late-time” (or “dark” epoch), everybody is the “enemy”. Everybody is wrong. Everybody is at fault. Everybody is “Narcissus”. Everybody is “Everyman”. “Everyman” is everywhere. The “objectified self” is at large. If “Everyman” is not soon disciplined by the Truth That Is Reality Itself—so that the world of “Everyman” discovers and accepts “its” limits, “its” place—then “Everyman” is going to destroy not only humankind but all life, and the Earth-world itself. [*]

— The World-Friend, Adi Da, Not-Two Is Peace (3rd ed., p.155-157, 2009)


* (see p.37-39 of the downloadable excerpt from the book for the given quotation)

& (all excerpts from Not-Two Is Peace)

Written by Free723

June 8, 2020 at 11:45 am

Propaganda Terms Used by Believers of the Silliest “Conspiracy Theories”

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In 1946 the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution reading in part, “freedom of information is a fundamental human right, and the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated.

a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

— John F. Kennedy, address on the 20th Anniversary of the Voice of America
(delivered 26 Feb 1962, Health, Education, and Welfare Building, Washington, D.C.)


This is a brief look at some of the popular propaganda terms that are often used by the sheeple masses who tend to believe the silliest “conspiracy theories” of all (being the absurd and illogical theories that are consistently presented by mainstream media and government agencies, or their proxies). It is quite useful to be able to decipher the actual meaning behind certain commonly used propaganda terms, while also gaining a better understanding of the psychological state of those who resort to the use of such terms.


Mind-Controlled Mob of “Corona Cultists” Poses Grave Threat

The mind-controlled mob [1] of “Corona Cultists” [2] are a rather obvious present-day demographic in terms of those who will likely resort to use of banal propaganda terms that they’ve been brainwashed into parroting. Such people only reveal themselves as the terrified, gullible, anti-science, “dumbshit, insouciant, brainwashed” [3] fools that they are, through their arrogant and ignorant parroting of such banal terms that have been created in recent decades by global masters of propaganda.

It is highly unfortunate that the propaganda campaigns based around such terms have been so wildly successful in the past half century or so, as this has had a massively destructive force in the human world altogether. How has the propagandizing of such terms been such a terrible force of destruction? Due use of such propaganda terms being a significant force in the undermining of what could otherwise be intelligent and useful considerations between even vast numbers of otherwise intelligent human beings.

Open discussion of all facts (not just facts that propaganda sources claim you “need to know”) relative whatever critical political, economic, and social events of the day is what gets “locked down” by the programmed parroting of these clever propaganda terms. The instant any participant in a conversation about whatever events taking place resorts to using such cleverly propagandized terms (with the most common one being “conspiracy theory”) the user of such a term destroys open dialogue in that moment.

Not only does such a person destroy the open dialogue, they reveal that they are themselves precisely the fool they are assuming to accuse the other of by using such a term about the other. Please take a moment to consider the following table of five commonly used terms and an approximate “translation” of the true meaning behind each term, as well as the probable psychological state of the user:


Term Translation
Conspiracy Theorist Anyone using this term to attack another: is typically a sucker for (and believer of) the most absurd and illogical science-denying “conspiracy theories” of all, from known liars and cover-up experts such as Big Media and Big Government, while also being terrified of knowing real truths about the countless easily verified conspiracy facts behind most of the “politics” in the past century (and more).
9/11 Truther Anyone using this term to attack another: is completely terrified of the truth [4] relative the terrible and world-changing events which took place on September 11, 2001, while also being terrified of anyone who dares do any genuine research relative to such truth.
Anti-Vaxxer Anyone using this term to attack another: has been brainwashed into believing the century-old Big Pharma funded lie that “vaccines” are anything other than dangerous poisons, while also being afraid of any (and all) who are not similarly brainwashed into doing self-harm.
Climate Denier Anyone using this term to attack another: is the true denier, of the vast evidence spanning hundreds of millions of years showing extreme, repeated, naturally occurring changes in global climate (due no human inputs), while also denying that CO2 is profoundly beneficial with even twice the current CO2 levels being highly desirable. [5]
Science Denier Anyone using this term to attack another: tends to blindly believe (in the manner of a true cult member) any and all pseudo-science garbage from known liars such as Big Media and Big Government (including the endless fake “models”, “predictions” of doom, and fraudulent data widely promulgated by such liars).


Brainwashed Masses Empower Psychopath Billionaire Thugs in Global Poisoning Mission

This brief “reality check” relative to the propaganda terms that are (sadly) seemingly quite commonly used by a (sadly) possibly quite large number of human beings at present, circa mid-2020, is a necessary backgrounder to any possible positive change in the current path of events. This is due the fact that the brainwashing from such clever propaganda has to be undone in each and every one of us before humankind will have the collective power to choose a more positive path.

Masses of human beings are currently unknowing members of modern day cults, such as the cults of “virus” and “climate” (two of the biggest), and those masses are evidently suffering quite severely handicapped states of cognitive function due their state of brainwashed, unwitting cult membership. Meaning that those masses are quite often no longer even able to use their O.I. (Own Intelligence) at all (including basic math, logic, and reason) in regards to the various significant issues of the day.

That demographic of brainwashed sheeple masses is the co-dependent force in the world that is allowing the dark and destructive current events to happen. Without such masses believing all manner of absurd propaganda and lies, the ultra-wealthy thugs (the force comprising the other “half” of this highly destructive global co-dependency) would not currently be gaining vast wealth by the day [6] (off the present-time suffering of billions of others), nor would such ultra-wealthy scum be able to pull off the global coup that they have apparently all but completely succeeded at pulling off.

Consider that if the vast majority (let’s say 90% or more, for example) of all the estimated 7.8 billion human beings on Earth were not believers in the “death cult” (or “Corona Cult”) of “virus” myths [7] and vaccine “poisons” [8] then that “death cult” would have no power over anyone. When immense numbers of human beings grow out of their childish beliefs in absurd propaganda and lies from both Big Media and Big Government then those vast numbers are no longer going to be lining up for a shot of “vaccine” poisons (or whatever else Big Industry is selling today). Then the whole lie falls apart, under it’s own weight.


“Herd” Behavior and the “Late-Time” Tyrant of “Everyman”

Some observant human beings have been quite aware (and for some time) that humankind often behaves as a mad “herd” as is shown by the following quotation:


Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

— Charles Mackay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841)


To conclude, here is a modern and in-depth consideration of the above quoted statement:


Conflict and destruction take all kinds of forms in the human world and in human history. There has already been a long chain of terrible tyrants in the human sphere—but people everywhere seem to be unaware of the fact that the latest tyrant is everybody—or “Everyman”. The latest—and the last—tyrant is “Everyman”. The last tyrant is “the people”. In this “late-time”, “the people” have, as a collective, become merely another ego-driven, manipulatable, chaotic, and entirely mad entity—a kind of lunatic “herd”, a chaos of gross collectivity. That tyrannical “herd” is subject to the same whims and absurdities as any individual tyrant ever was or is. That terrible “herd” knows no limits—and even all and everything it merely thinks it knows is not Reality and Truth. The “herd” that “the people” have become is simply another tyrant—and the last to rise and fall in human-time.

The “tyranny of everybody” is what is happening now. In the now, every individual wallows in the “Narcissistic self-idea”, demanding immediate satisfaction of the every wanting-need and random impulse in the body-mind, and threatening all-and-All with “consequence”-to-come, if separate “self” is found still wanting or unsatisfied at end of any day. The “neighborhood wars” between all egos, “tribes”, and cults of “thing” are what is happening now. The private wars of “Everyman”, the society of “Everyman”, the religiosity of “Everyman”, the “late-time” of “Everyman” is what is happening now. The “Everyman” is “Narcissus”, the last tyrant—the ego itself. When the tyrant becomes everybody, that is the end-time. When the tyrant is just somebody-in-particular, then there are revolutions, ups and downs and cycles. However, at the last, when the tyrant becomes everybody, there are no more cycles, but only a linearity of sames—and everyone and everything disintegrates in stops. Such is the awful nature of the present time, of ego’s rule of all.

Therefore, it is absolutely urgent that there be an immediate and total transformation at the root of human culture and society and politics. A new kind of human institution must emerge in the world—an institution that truly establishes a global cooperative order. That new (and, necessarily, global) institution must establish and enact a non-tyrannical (and even counter-tyrannical, or entirely post-tyrannical) order of rightly and effectively functioning cooperation between everyone—between all nations, between all cultures and “tribes”, between all the “neighborhoods”.

What is required is not a matter of merely “having a dialogue” and “working toward” unity. In any such effort of “working toward”, there is, in all the works, still plenty of effort to dominate. Therefore, what is required is the establishment of the universal working-presumption of prior unity—such that “the people”, in every guise, lay down their arms, lay down their conflicts and their aggressive competitiveness, and, on that basis, straightforwardly handle all the business that is in the interest of everybody altogether.

That “handling of business” is not being done at the present time. Now, everybody is “on the brink” with everybody else. It is everywhere like that. The “daily news” is that. Everyone’s daily life has become something like an insane sporting event—that is played to the death. The human world of nowtime is like colossal Reality-TV—a dreadful mini-series, a few weeks until death. The common world of nowtime is mere insanity—Reality-madness. Everyone and everything is mad with “Everyman” now—mad with ego, mad with “Narcissus”. The last tyrant is everybody—everybody at war with everybody, to the death.

If this mad world-mummery continues unchecked, the present time of human history is the end of humantime. It is no longer a matter of one principal tyrant somewhere, some head of state somewhere, who is the “whomever”, or the “whatever”, that everyone loves to hate as everybody’s “enemy”. In this “late-time” (or “dark” epoch), everybody is the “enemy”. Everybody is wrong. Everybody is at fault. Everybody is “Narcissus”. Everybody is “Everyman”. “Everyman” is everywhere. The “objectified self” is at large. If “Everyman” is not soon disciplined by the Truth That Is Reality Itself—so that the world of “Everyman” discovers and accepts “its” limits, “its” place—then “Everyman” is going to destroy not only humankind but all life, and the Earth-world itself. [9]

— The World-Friend, Adi Da, Not-Two Is Peace (3rd ed., p.155-157, 2009)


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[9] (see p.37-39 of the downloadable excerpt from the book for the given quotation)

Written by Free723

June 4, 2020 at 3:24 pm

Protests Demanding End to “Stay-at-Home” Orders

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Thankfully, not everyone is brainwashed by the screens of flashing red. Protesters gathered in many state Capitols around the US today to demand an end to the authoritarian “stay-at-home” orders that are destroying our livelihoods and our lives altogether. One such protest took place in Sacramento at the State Capitol building.

This particular protest was peaceful up until the point when a CHP (California Highway Patrol) officer came out with a bullhorn and ordered people back. It was only then, when officers chose to get pushy with batons and manhandling people, that a few brief scuffles broke out. To the credit of the protesters, they were able to stay relaxed overall and not buy into the pushing and shoving routine the officer’s were essentially provoking.

After the protesters were moved back and down a couple of flights of stairs away from the Capitol building the officer’s seemingly stopped in their efforts to push people back. At that point there were interesting statements made by a couple of protesters. Firstly was this very valid reminder:


[40:12] This is a Constitutional Republic! We have the rule of law! We don’t listen to rulers. We have a rule of law, the highest law of the land. The highest law of the land is the US Constitution, higher than any law!


Yes. Though that seems to have been intentionally “memory holed” by those presuming to be our rulers at this point in time. Then, over a few minutes another protester with a bullhorn repeatedly addressed the officers relative their obvious violation of the so-called “social distancing” (= totalitarianism) rules:


[40:28] You’re violating the rule! You must not believe in Covid-19! It’s a lie! Give us 6 feet or you’re proving it’s a lie! Give us 6 feet or you’re proving it’s a lie! You’re proving it’s a lie. You’re proving it’s a lie right now.

[41:12] Officer why are you violating that man’s 6 foot space? “Social distancing”! Get your asses back 6 feet. Oh, you don’t believe it’s a true thing?!

[41:49] Hey, officers you’re not observing “social distancing” 6 feet, what’s up? If you don’t get back you’re proving it’s not a real crisis. If you don’t get back 6 feet you’re proving the point, that this is all a big hoax lie.

[42:27] You’re proving this is a lie right now. You don’t really believe this stuff. Why do you quarantine the people that are not sick?! We are not sick! Why do you quarantine the people that are not sick?! [1]


A common sense line of reasoning from the protester, that the officers did not respond to directly at any point. Yes, it is all a lie, the officers seem to know it’s a lie and (apart from a couple of exceptions) the vast majority of officers were not wearing masks, nor were they observing “social distancing” in their very close proximity to the crowd.

To be clear, some dozens of California police officers were evidently not at all worried about being pressed up against hundreds of protesters, even when a supposed highly infectious “virus” is going around. And yet we are seeing our societies destroyed, with millions upon millions out of work, millions upon millions going bankrupt and losing their livelihoods, all due this monumentally destructive lie.

The reporter taking the video footage on his phone made these statements a little while later, after a brief cut due his phone over-heating:


[01:50] So this thing started before 10 this morning, it was a peaceful demonstration. The protesters were here rallying once again to get the Governor to rescind his “stay-at-home” order. Everything was calm, until about 12:20 or 12:30, when the CHP came out and used a bullhorn to order the crowd to disperse. They declared this gathering to be a public health hazard, because obviously there’s no “social distancing” going on. The crowd refused to move, the officer’s formed a line and slowly moved us down a couple of flights of stairs.

Right now we’re in a stand off. They’re not trying to push the crowd back. They’ve ordered them several times to leave the Capitol grounds, they’ve told them the Capitol is closed and that they’re free to demonstrate on the sidewalk, which is City property. But, the protesters are not moving any farther. [2]


Thank you to everyone who attended this protest today and thank you to everyone who attended every other protest today, showing a sign of the human spirit in resisting this police state fascism that has very obviously superseded the rule of law in almost every country on Earth. All in a matter of weeks. And that’s because these events have been long planned, with all the players following a clear script that was evidently decided on years ago.

The script being followed is essentially that of “LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” As was published in a Rockefeller Foundation (involved with vaccines, Bill Gates, ID2020, and the rest) report titled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” way back 10 years ago in 2010. Here are some telling statements that form part of the “LOCK STEP” scenario:


“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.” This sounds eerily familiar.

Then the scenario gets very interesting:

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”

A relevant question is whether certain bad actors, and there are some in this world, are opportunistically using the widespread fears around the COVID-19 to advance an agenda of “lock step” top down social control, one that would include stark limits on travel, perhaps replacing of cash by “sanitary” electronic cash, mandatory vaccination even though the long term side effects are not proven safe, unlimited surveillance and the curtailing of personal freedoms such as political protests on the excuse it will allow “identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated,” and countless other restrictions.

Much of the Rockefeller 2010 scenario is already evident. Fear is never a good guide to sound reason. [3]


These political changes globally in recent weeks can be well summarized by the term “Covid-1984” [4] being the “plandemic” operation to install a new system of global totalitarian governance. Big Brother (being a combination of Big Money, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the rest) is now coming into the open and ordering us to “obey!” which means marching in “lock step” to their false and murderous totalitarian tune. Earth to humankind: time to wake up now (by the billions) and resist this global police state that’s just been rolled out everywhere.

Those not awake to the truth (who are in the trance of constant mainstream media and government propaganda) are collectively digging the grave of humankind. If you are one of those people, WILL YOU PLEASE WAKE UP AND SMELL THE LIES. Thanks. And if you are already awake to the lies and happen to know some who are asleep, please do everything you can to shake those ones out of their stupor, as the mass apathy of the believers in the “cult of virus” is dragging all of us into a completely hellish future.

Consider these prophetic words from almost 60 years ago and it is easy to see that the political script being followed globally at present is leading to exactly the kind of world described:


There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution. [5]

– Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961


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Written by Free723

May 1, 2020 at 3:17 pm

Calling “Everybody-All-At-Once”: Global Freedom Rally 7/23 (July 23, 2020)

You and everyone you know are called to help organize and participate in an inaugural Global Freedom Rally on 7/23 (July 23, 2020). This date will be the 14th anniversary of the World-Friend Adi Da writing significant words about the future of humankind (please see below). A Global Freedom Rally on July 23, 2020, can bring powerful focus to many urgent political, economic, and social matters that are now significantly affecting us all.

Hundred of millions (and even billions) of human beings need to get together and rally around these simple and ordinary demands relative our individual and collective future:


  • Full legal revocation of any and all new “corona virus” related laws and policies in any and all countries that have passed such laws and policies in the recent months.


  • Restoration of fundamental rights for all of humankind, including (but not limited to):
    • Freedom of speech (including fully ceasing all mass censorship of information that disagrees with “official” views about health or indeed about any other matter).
    • Freedom of association (including revocation of all new “social distancing” laws and policies, all new restrictions on size of gatherings, and all new restrictions on use of public places).
    • Freedom of movement (including revocation of all new restrictions on both national and international travel that have been enforced in recent weeks).
    • Freedom of choice relative all health matters (specifically including the inviolable legal right to refuse all “vaccines” and with no social restrictions for so choosing).
    • The right to privacy (including freedom from any and all government and/or corporate harassment/surveillance relative the fake “pandemic” or any other false political reasons).


Furthermore, relative the massively destructive political, economic, and social events of the recent weeks, those most responsible must be held fully accountable for their high crimes against humanity including these very specific actions:


  • Full legal investigations of all the key organizations and individuals who are known to be most involved with the fake “pandemic” including (but not limited to):
    • the World Economic Forum
    • the World Health Organization
    • the United Nations
    • the Centers for Disease Control
    • Dr. Anthony Fauci
    • Bill Gates
    • the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    • GAVI (the “Vaccine Alliance”)
    • Microsoft (providing technology for “ID2020”)
    • Accenture (consulting firm for “ID2020”)
    • the Rockefeller Foundation (funding for “ID2020”)
    • the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (providing key “pandemic” data)
    • Imperial College London (with false “models” of huge “possible” death tolls)
  • Criminal trials against all parties found to be complicit in aiding with the creation of the entirely fake “pandemic” (including all who intentionally publicized false and deceptive information; all who are behind the creation of policies requiring fraudulent death certificate entries; all who are behind the creation of new “corona virus” laws and policies in all countries; as well as all who are pushing mandatory vaccinations and stand to profit greatly from such policies).
  • Bringing all to justice who were complicit in the deception which served to falsely manufacture mass fear and panic globally, resulting in untold destruction to national economies and untold destruction to the livelihoods of billions of human beings, all due the “lockdowns” that were claimed to be “needed” based on the falsehoods being sold to all—those committing these high crimes against humanity must be held fully accountable!


The mentioned actions above—including the revocation of all new “corona virus” laws and policies, the restoration of fundamental and inviolable human rights and liberties, as well as holding all those involved in these high crimes against humanity legally accountable—would certainly be a very positive place for humankind to begin, relative the entirely new political paradigm that must now be incarnated if this world is to be a benign and safe place to live from here onwards for us 7.7 billion human beings.

There are certainly many other issues that need addressing which are not mentioned above, so if you feel passionately about another issue then bring that to the table in conversations with those you know. It is up to us, the people, to quickly become clear about the real and important global issues. It is up to us, the people, to rally for freedom en masse while we can still do so, prior to us all being even more fully locked down through dark technological means (drones, police robots, and more) which will make it even harder for such gatherings of the people to take place.

If you care about your future, the future of your loved ones, and the future of humankind and this world altogether, then do choose to be part of a new global political movement. A simple place to start is with helping to organize and then participating in the great and history-changing Global Freedom Rally on July 23rd, 2020, to be held in every country all around the world. In conclusion, here are the sobering prophetic words written by the World-Friend Adi Da on July 23rd, 2006, now almost 14 years ago:


The old moral, social, and political “order” of humankind is now dead. A new and true and right order of humankind is, now, and forever hereafter, necessary. This Free Declaration is the Seed-Utterance of that new and necessary true and right (and truly globally, totally, and universally cooperative) order.

This moment in human-time—July 23, 2006—is the precise and decisive moment of the uniquely new human necessity for all of humankind. Therefore, all signs say and illustrate that, if the new Way of true and right and truly human civilization herein and hereby Freely Declared is not now and everywhere chosen and enacted, the return to a natural and ego-based and inherently immoral chaos of separateness, division, mutual opposition, deadly competition, global conflagration, universal suffering, universal darkness, and universal death will have its global mandate of indifference—to move by nature’s “twos” of human species’ double-minded left and right of hands, to terminally and conclusively replace the civilization of this always fateful all of humankind.

One and all, consider this Free Declaration of your possibility on Earth.

One and all, Be of this Free Wisdom Blessed and made all right—together and at once.


Written by Free723

April 26, 2020 at 5:02 pm